Bullistik All That Bling ‘MilkDud’
Okay, so the truth is that I constantly have people asking me, how the hell do you come up with these crazy names for your dogs? AND, so I am going to make an example of my little chocolate morsel, MILKDUD, so you can try to figure out where my brain takes me when it comes to naming one of my FrogDogs.
When it comes to this scrumptious chocolate boy, here is the deal on his name. Of course, from the get go, he was obviously chocolate, from date of birth, and my favorite movie theater junk food back in the day (way back in the day), was duh, MilkDuds. Oh so chocolatey, caramelly, gooey yummy.
So, this kid is obviously yummy, scrumptious, chocolate, and chubby gooey, so that takes care of how he was immediately dubbed ‘MilkDud’.
BUT, you can’t just use the call name on his AKC registration papers. Seriously, you have to be more creative than that.
So, on we go to the official name for this gorgeous creature. As you are probably aware, if you have noticed all the telltale signs, and posts on FaceBook, MilkDud is not just CHOCOLATE (bb), he is also TRICOLOR (atat), and carries BLUE (Dd) and carries CREAM (EMe), and also carries BRINDLE (KbrKy), so from the moment he was born I was obsessed with finding his ‘tricolor’ markings which show up on all 4 legs, chest, cheeks, and eyebrows.

If MilkDud was (KyKy), those markings would have been immediately evident, but because he has the brindle gene (kbr), it was a wait and see game for his TRI markings to show up.
Every day, I kept saying, Where is his BLING??? Where is his BLING? Of course, BLING = tricolor markings.
So, when that damn BLING finally started showing up at around 4 weeks of age, he was already known as MILK DUD, so was no way to rename him at that point.
BUT, I could definitely incorporate that mandatory BULLISTIK® ‘BLING’ into his official AKC registered name.
So, my incredibully handsome Chocolate Trindle boy is registered as Bullistik All That Bling ‘MilkDud’.

Can’t wait for this kid to continue to grow. He has a great gene pool behind him and I am excited to watch him mature into our future stud dog.
MilkDud’s dam is Femme Fatale Nikita of Bullistik, a lovely brindle (ayat) gal that is a daughter of our brindle girl, Toffee, and granddaughter of our chocolate stud, Chucky.
MilkDud’s sire is the lilac & tan stud, Vintage Frenchies Ice Man.
Our, Bullistik All That Bling ‘MilkDud’
is full of fabulous COLOR! He is CHOCOLATE (bb) and TRICOLOR (atat) and carries BLUE (Dd) and CREAM (Eme).

Both parents have flat faces, perfect upswept jaws, flat skulls, straight fronts, deep chests, great toplines, nice rear angles, proper tailsets, and that bone that is mandatory for a ‘bulldog’ breed.
It is impossible to think, that with all that is structurally and genetically correct behind our handsome chocolate morsel, that MilkDud won’t wind up being exactly what we strive for in a stud dog at Bullistik®
Nikita produced another stunning boy in her first litter, and he is known as MAV and is Chocolate Fawn. You will meet 3 of Maverick’s masked kids on my site (he was bred to our SpitFire): Malice (chocolate fawn), Prism (black mask red sable), Jealousy (chocolate sable) were the triplets I kept out of the 6 pack and I am thrilled with this darling trio.
Lord those HEADS and FACES that descend down from Bullistik’s original chocolate stud dog, Chucky.
Simply Irresistable!